In this article , i will explain the various mapping components and their uses in the OIC mapping panel.
Basically , when you click on any of the mapping available in the your integration , the below screen will gets opened where you typically see options on the source side of the canvas which is
On the target side of the canvas you see the below
X Path Components panel
Mapper is generally used to create mappings between source and destination applications. On the left side it represents the data structure of inbound message and the right side it represents the data structure of the outbound message.
you can map the fields from source to target by dragging the same . This will also offers the search and filter tools to find a specific mapping in case of a very large data structures.
Generally , this mapping process is time consuming especially when dealing with large data sets , Oracle Recommended option will automatically suggest the mapping recommendations and gives the developer ability to review and apply the changes.
These are the mapping recommendations contributed by other customers anonymously.
Test tool gives the ability to check if the mappings are correct .This will accept the sample payload you provide or it can generate its own sample payload and generated the output so that the developer can verify the same. Please note that we cannot test costume java functions.
payloads for scalar parameters are not generated( a string, number, date etc)
The code tab will give the access to the underlying code of your mapping . This will be helpful while doing the troubleshooting.
The Developer tab view will show you the technical schema names
With out selecting Developer option.
With Developer option Selected . Observer the source and target node names
The View option : will give the ability to see the data structure options . One can choose , display options for data element nodes and attributes.
1) Show prefixes
2) Show Types
in the expression builder area one can drag the source node and apply the x path expressions.
we can right click on the empty target field and select create target node . upon building it , the expression builder opens up in the bottom .
you can only have an XPath expression or text in the expression builder.
Happy Learning.